Welcome to Norrath, visitors.
Everquest is an ever-expanding online gaming world where you
can interact with thousands of people at any given time.
As you start, choose from over 15 different
servers to play on, some specifically designed for Player vs. Player (PvP) action, as well as 2 new servers
for Team PvP, where your chosen race determines your "team".
There are many different races your
characters can be, including Barbarians, Ogres, Trolls, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Gnomes, Dwarves,
Erudites (variant of humans), Human and Halfling.
Once you choose your race, pick your class,
be it Bard, Enchanter, Magician, Wizard, Necromancer, Paladin, Shadow Knight, Warrior, Monk, Cleric,
Druid, Ranger, Rogue or Shaman.
Some races are restricted in the class they can become, so choose
Once you've created your character, pick your starting city and join in the fun.
features citys for each of the races, with some races being able to choose between several cities to
start in. There are hundreds of different zones, spanning the 3 different continents of Norrath. Some
zones are outdoors, where as some are dungeons, where very nasty things lurk.
As for creatures,
there's something out there for everyone. Closer to the cities are the easier, lower level monsters,
allowing new players to hunt in relative safety, with the harder critters in the more outlying areas.
Check out some of the screenshots below to get a taste of what's in store for you.
does need to be purchased for you to be able to start playing, but luckily for you, it's featured in
my store, so click over to it and pick it up, along with a wonderful strategy guide to aid in your